Advocating with the marginalized, empowering the vulnerable, partnering with the willing, and focusing on Human Rights for the survivors of Human Trafficking and the extreme poor.


We stand on the belief that we we belong to each other. We envision a world dominated by love and generosity. We believe in looking at social issues through a global lens in order to bring human rights to every person.




At Mission 108 we are passionate about education as a means of prevention. If students know their worth, purpose, and potential, they are less likely to become the victims of trafficking. We have partnered with organizations, such as Peace Corps in Ecuador, and Refuge for Women, in Kentucky, to bring education to middle and high school students. The response has been inspiring and we are excited to continue these programs!



As our motto goes, We Belong to Each Other, we strive to bring the issue of human trafficking and modern day slavery to everyone we meet. We are all global citizens and when one of us is wronged, we believe it is our responsibility to SAY and DO something. In September we are launching an awareness campaign that will make anyone who praticipates an advocate for justice and freedom. We also do speaking events at organizations, hospitals, schools, churches, and any other place that would like to shine a light on human trafficking.


The survivors of trafficking are some of the strongest and most vulnerable individuals we have ever met. Their recovery is crucial and takes a great deal of time, resources, and committment. We believe in sustainable aftercare programs where the local community sees a need and creates a solution using the resources available. Mission 108 partners with an aftercare program in Lucknow, India called Nai Asha, which is a true testament to God's faithfulness and the resilence of the survivors. We are currently exploring expanding our international presence to Latin America. 


