Our STory

Robbie and Brittany Ross started Mission 108 in 2012 working with impoverished communities in their hometown Lexington, Ky. The full time traveling baseball couple made Mission 108 official by creating the organization as a 501(C)3 Non Profit in 2016.

The high school sweethearts married in 2010 and went directly into life as a Major League baseball player and wife to a professional athlete. Brittany prides herself in being an “adult against adulting” and figuring things out as she goes driven by her heart and intuition. Robbie is always smiling and keeping everyone around him laughing with his childlike soul. They are both free-spirited, life-loving people always willing to entertain. Whether its having friends and family over to sit around the table to enjoy a meal with wine and bourbon or keeping their social media community on their toes with a glimpse into their wild and crazy lifestyle.

The couple felt called to do something greater with the platform they’d been given as a MLB family and influencers in their community. Along their journey God opened the door to fighting human trafficking and loving the extreme poor. Whether it was seeing the reality of poverty and those that live on less than a dollar a day or the darkness of modern day slavery, their hearts have been undone. Brittany has been traveling the world, serving the poor, and investigating the eradication of modern day slavery for the past several years. Robbie was moved to do more with his platform than just play baseball. He has supported his wife’s dream to explore different cultures and serve the poor since the beginning. He even travels to India to visit their partners in his off season.


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Mission 108 aims to capture the human heart with infectious love by means of extreme generosity, faith, joy and the power of the Holy Spirit. We are a Tribe of inspiring people that believe it is up to us to bring light into darkness. Robbie and Brittany found themselves losing their religion and clinging to faith at the end of 2015. Personal heartache, loss, and grief is what drives them to keep fighting the good fight. They both have tattoos saying “Rebels For Life” reminding them their faith is not confined to the walls of a church building or by the rules of religious leaders. Rather, when they want to understand and see the face of God, they look into the eyes of their brothers and sisters around the world created in the image of a perfect and divine, eternal and loving God.

Mission 108 is building a community where everyone knows they belong. We support and partner with organizations already doing good work in their communities and advocate on behalf of marginalized people. We know that because of the tribe members we are able to add more joy to the world. Mission 108 will break down cultural barriers because we stand on the belief that we belong to each other and we are all connected. Our journey has only just begun and we are excited to invite you along with us! 

“We are all just walking each other home”
-Ram Dass

Welcome Tribe 108!